Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Come to Me

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matt 11:28-30)

In this text, we find a command and an invitation, followed by a promise.

First, our Lord says "Come". In Greek the word used is an imperative, as in "Come here!". He's not saying, when you a chance, or it would be nice if you would come, but it's "Come!"..

But come where or to what? Neither. It plainly says "Come to Me". Jesus is telling us to "Come to Him". So often we would rather wallow in our own self-pity and shame, or run from Him (as if that were somehow possible). But He is clearly calling out- Come!

Now to whom does He say this word? To everyone? The rich and affluent? No, to those weary and heavy-laden.

Now I don't know about you, but often (very often in fact) I find myself in the ranks of the weary and heavy-laden. In fact, I'm a card-carrying member.

I put a lot into my work, and while I'm very grateful God's blessed me with a good career that provides for us well, at the same time it does take it's toll. More often than not, I'm worn out.

Perhaps you can relate to that? Have you (or are you) worn out? Burdened? Weary? If so, Jesus is calling to you..

He's calling us to come to Him, and if we do He promises rest. Not just any kind of rest but the kind that satisfies eternally. He says- rest for our souls!

So let us shake off the heavy yoke we so often carry, take on His yoke, and learn from Him. For His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

To whom shall we go?

Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” (Jn 6:68)

That phrase "to whom shall we go" could easily be a daily prayer or meditation. I know it very much resonants within my heart..

When I'm tempted and tried, when I've failed God miserably, when I'm down and depressed.. I can simply pray this prayer- to whom shall I go? Then I remember that Jesus alone can satisfy and redeem me with His Words of eternal Life. In reality, there is no one else to offer us such life.

Like Simon Peter, I've not only believed, but have come to know by personal experience, Christ is the Holy One of God! I know this FULL well! To deny this, would be to deny revealed truth. He's proven Himself as GOD countless times in my life.

Knowing and recalling this leads me back to that simply-stated question- To whom shall I go?

Notice it does not say "where", as in "where shall I go". The Psalmist has already answered that very question. "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence" We should know by now, it is quite impossible to run away from God.

"If we ascend to the heavens, He's there; If we make our beds in the deepest abyss, He's there. If we take the wings of the dawn and decide to dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there His hand will lead us. His right hand will never let us go".

Notice also, it does not say "what". In our society, we often turn to material things as our distraction of choice.. To "what do we go" or turn becomes the question.. Maybe the mindless amusements we hold so dear? Maybe buying things we don't really need, to impress people we don't care about? Maybe "what" we turn to is innocent on the surface, but simply consumes our thoughts more than it should?

Still, in the Christian faith we should know better than anyone, all these things are wood, hay and stubble! They are of no value toward eternal life and the prize of knowing Him. Turning to "what" (as in things) should not be our life's quest!

It should never be a question of "where" or "what", but to "whom" shall we go? A personal encounter worthy of our time and attention!

From now on, may my daily prayer and meditation be centered on this..

When I start to turn toward base, material things, may the words of Saint Peter ring true in my mind..

To Whom shall I go?

When I'm tempted to run and hide because of my failures and sins, may this truth again pierce my heart..

To Whom shall I go?

When the storms of life assail or I've lost my way yet once again, may my lips whisper these sacred words..

To Whom shall I go?

Dear Lord, You alone have the Words of Eternal Life! You are the Holy One of God! Save me in Your great mercy.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Breath of God

This "came to me" on my birthday :-)  7/15/15

The breath of God blows through
my soul like a holy, sacred kiss,
though I do not deserve such love,
such kindness and such bliss.

In the beauty of this morning,
listening for that still small voice,
He comes to shower peace and
truth, and in this I'll rejoice.

I walk here in this garden
with His Spirit deep within,
just resting in the joys I find
of simply knowing Him.

Forgive me Lord

Forgive me Lord for sins long past, and those for which I haven't asked. Forgive me when I neglect to pray; instead, desiring my own way...